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Comprehensive Management and Tracking Solutions for Certificates of Insurance in Denver's Construction and Development Sectors

Fed up with COI hassles, training, and management? Experience seamless COI administration with Denver Compliance Solutions. We handle the entire process, from acquisition to ongoing monitoring and renewal certificates, including W-9s and agreements. Plus, we notarize independent contractor agreements for you. Ease the burden and choose us.

Our Services

Our Services

Outsource your certificate of insurance tracking and administrative paperwork to DCS. If you are looking for a specific service and you don't see it below, contact us. Our goal is to lighten your workload so you can get back to meaningful tasks.

Certificate of Insurance Tracking

Efficiently delegate COI management to DCS. From onboarding of new vendors/sub-contractors to meticulous tracking of COIs, our process ensures compliance allowing you peace of mind.


W-9s & Agreements

Tracking documents and agreements can be overwhelming. Allow us to gather your organization's required documents so that you and your staff can focus on the things that matter most.


Independent Contractor Agreements (ICAs)

Navigating independent contractor agreements-with coordination of meet-up times and notarizations- can be very daunting. DCS will coordinate and notarize ICAs, relieving you of the burden. 

Audit Ready Services

Missing documents come audit time can be costly and oftentimes financially detrimental. We will meticulously compile requisite documentation for your annual Worker's Comp and General Liability Audits setting your business up for a successful audit.

Lien Waivers

Lien waivers during or after a project can be time-consuming and hard to keep up with. Following your legal team and bank's requirements, DCS can help alleviate  this administrative encumbrance.



General Administrative Support

Explore comprehensive administrative support with us. If you don't find the service you need, inquire anyway. Our aim is to alleviate your administrative workload.

Get in Touch

Please submit the form below and we will review the information

and reach out to set up a meeting. Please allow 24-48 hours for a response.

Please select your industry:
How many vendors/sub-contractors are you tracking?
Are you interested in any additional services?

Thanks for submitting!

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